Hyatt Regency Tokyo, Japan
Monday, October 27 - Wednesday, October 29, 2008
ISSM Late Submission Available Until June 13, 2008 (PDT)
The Abstract submission for ISSM 2008 has been closed.
ISSM 2008 CFP(PDF: 279 KB)
Since its start in 1992 in Japan, ISSM has activated technology diagram on semiconductor manufacturing technologies among the professionals from worldwide. The conference aims to keep continuous challenging for further developed technologies from global needs aspects and to approach to excellent turnout by enhancing the discussion on the presented technologies information among the expertise. The 17th annual ISSM will be held in Tokyo. Japan.
The semiconductor industry is now enjoying the productivity benefits from 300mm wafer fab with geometry scaling beyond 0.1 micron. The manufacturing technologies show drastic revolution and stronger collaborative efforts are required to find solutions to the pre-competitive challenges. The ISSM 2008 will feature keynote speeches by world leading speakers, timely and highlighted topics besides the ISSM areas of interests, tutorial session which is new to ISSM in Japan and networking sessions focusing on equipment/materials/software/services with suppliers exhibits. ISSM contributes to the continues growth of semiconductor industry through its infrastructure for networking, discussion, and information sharing among world乫s professionals. We invite you to share your professional experiences at the Seventeenth International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing.
ISSM 2008 Abstract Template
ISSM 2008 Abstract Template(MS WORD: 37.5 KB)Areas of Interest
Abstract will be accepted for each of following areas of interest.
- Factory Design (FD)
- Manufacturing Strategy and Management (MS)
- Manufacturing Control and Execution (MC)
- Process Control and Monitoring (PC)
- Process and Material Optimization (PO)
- Yield Enhancement Methodology (YE)
- Process and Metrology Equipment (PE)
- Ultraclean Technology (UC)
- Environment, Safety and Health (ES)
- Final Manufacturing (FM)
- Design for Manufacturing (DM)
Details for the Areas of Interest
FD: Factory Design & Automated Material Handling
This area focuses on fab design and its key enablers to meet the flexibility, extendibility, and scalability needs of a cost-effective leading-edge fab.
MS: Manufacturing Strategy and Operation Management
This area focuses on strategy and concepts for more functional fab, and its operation management to meet rapidly changing complex business requirements.
MC: Manufacturing Control and Execution
This area includes manufacturing execution and decision support systems, factory scheduling, control of equipment/materials handling systems and queue time management.
PC: Process Control and Monitoring
This area focuses on tighter process control for 65nm/45nm production, faster ramp up of volume production and higher uptime by FDC and e-diagnostics.
PO: Process and Material Optimization
This area focuses on process and material optimization from the standpoint of miniaturization, cost reduction and environment.
YE: Yield Enhancement Methodology
This area focuses on probe yield enhancement and its stabilization technology including inspection, analysis and reduction of defects and particles. Reports for the advanced 45nm process and 300mm wafer processes would be especially attractive.
UC: Contamination Control and Ultraclean Technology
This area focuses new technology on damage-less particle removal, contamination control of wafer backside and bevel, surface cleaning for new materials and fine structure. Energy saving cleaning and molecular level contamination control in 300mm wafer fab will be included.
ES: Environment, Safety and Health
This area focuses on suppression of energy and materials consumption, recycling and reuse of materials from the standpoint of human friendly environmrnt in semiconductor factory.
PE: Process and Metrology Equipment
This area focuses on finer pattern delineation/control. The application of equipment engineering system will be highlighted.
FM: Final Manufacturing
This area focuses on "3D technology","Flip chip & fine pitch bump","Si interposer" and "Lead-free connection".
DM: Design for Manufacturing
This area focuses in the collaboration between manufacturing and design including RET, OPC and systematic defects.
Highlight Theme
Papers on the topics of special interests will be rearranged and will be programmed as a special session for highlight themes. Papers on the following topics are especially welcome.
- NGF (Next Generation Factory)
- Actions for New Business Model
- Advanced Productivity Improvement
- Advanced Lithography Challenge in Production
- Application Specific Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Environmental and Safety Activities
- Nano-level Contamination Contro
Details for the highlight theme
NGF: Next Generation Factory
Overall issue for design and manufacturing
ROI, 450mm wafer, Strategy for equipment and metrology
Control System, Single wafer transportation
Standardization and Scheduling
Actions for New Business Model
Response to rapidly changing, complex business requirements
Reduced time to ramp factories and products
Global Supply Chain Management
Advanced Productivity Improvement
Bottleneck equipment productivity improvement
Improvement in both throughput and cycle time
On-time-delivery, Raw process time reduction
Queue time control, Benchmarking on productivity
Advanced Equipment Control / Advanced Process Control
Accuracy enhancement for finer geometry
Feed-back and feed-forward between processes
Excursion control for stable equipment operation
Advanced Lithography Challenge in Production
ArF immersion lithography
DP (Double patterning technology), SA(Self Align) DPT
EUV(Extreme Ultlaviolet) lithography
Application Specific Semiconductor Manufacturing
Mixed Signal / Radio Frequency / Power / Automotive
Countermeasure against Noise, High reliability
High voltage tolerance, Certification
Environmental and Safety Activities
Activities for WSC 2010 targets in ESH focus areas
(energy-saving, greenhouse-gases emission reduction)
Activities and precautions against earthquake and fire
Post-disaster recovery from earthquake and fire
Nano-level Contamination Control
Mini-Environment / FOUP
Damage-free wet cleaning
Sessions for higlight themes depends on the contents and numbers of accepted papers. Above mentiond are expected examples and themes are subject to change.
Author Information
Prospective authors are requested to submit abstracts through web browser, consisting of exactly two pages - one page of text (approximately 3,000 characters) and a second page of supporting data, charts, photos and drawings. Only MS-WORD files using the provided template will be accepted. Abstract must be written in English.
- Abstract Submission Start
- Monday, April 14, 2008
- Abstract Submission Due
- Monday, June 2, 2008
- Notification of Paper Acceptance
- Friday, July 18, 2008
Recommendation for IEEE/TSM
Best papers for ISSM will have the chance to submit full papers for IEEE/TSM (Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing) which is published quarterly for worldwide distribution. About ten papers are annually selected and reported in ISSM/TSM special session for the next year.