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- Joint Symposisum 2015 - eMDC2015 & ISSM2015 will be on September 2-3, 2015 in Taipei, Taiwan.
CFP: Paper Submission Due Date: June 1, 2015. - AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2015 which sponsored by ISSM will be held in Japan this year on November 11. For detail, visit here.
ISSM2014 Best Paper
Conference Information
Program at a glance
Since its start in 1992 in Japan, ISSM has provided unique opportunities to share semiconductor manufacturing technology "best practices" for the benefit of professionals worldwide. At the symposium, semiconductor manufacturing professionals gather together to seriously discuss presented technologies developed because of the world wide need for semiconductor manufacturing technology advancement. The 22nd annual ISSM will be held in Tokyo, Japan in cooperation with e-Manufacturing & Design Collaboration Symposium (eMDC) which is sponsored by TSIA with support from SEMI and GSA.
It is crucial to re-examine semiconductor manufacturing in terms of fundamental principles in order to continue scaling beyond the 20nm/20nm nodes in the coming Internet of Things era. In addition, manufacturing technologies for preserving the earth's environment have become new challenges.
These manufacturing technology challenges show the need for drastic revolutionary thought and stronger collaborative efforts to find solutions to the pre-competitive challenges.
With strong partnership, ISSM and TSIA endeavor to bring together all scientists, researchers and experts from various areas to share their latest developments, break-through advancements, practical experiences and innovative ideas. The program will feature keynote speeches by world leading speakers, timely and highlighted topics and networking sessions focusing on equipment/materials/software/services with suppliers' exhibits. ISSM continues to contribute to the growth of the semiconductor industry through its infrastructure for networking, discussion, and information sharing among the world's professionals. We invite you to share your professional experiences at the 22nd annual International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing.
ISSM 2014 Sponsoring Organizations
Sponsored by:

JSAP was established as an official academic society in 1946, and since then, it has been a leading academic society in Japan. The society's interests cover a broad variety of scientific and technological fields, and JSAP continues to explore state-of-the-art and interdisciplinary topics.
Co-sponsored by:
IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS)
The Electron Devices Society (EDS) is involved in the advancement of electronics and electrical engineering through research, development, design, manufacture, materials, technology and applications of electronics devices. EDS has been concerned with technical, educational, scientific publication, and meeting activities which provide benefits to members while contributing towards the progress of this field.
Minimal Fab Development Association
This Association was established as an METI project in 2012, and consists of 25 companies and The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) currently. Since then, it has been developing a small machines and a process technology for manufacturing semiconductor devices on half-inch wafers without the requirement of a clean room. The developing system promotes the establishment of a device production line with 1/1000 investment of the existing mega-fab. The advantages of minimal fab are low investment cost, user-friendly, low power consumption, and a minimum waste.
Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ)
Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ), founded in March 1985, promoted by the major semiconductor equipment manufacturers, is a nationwide organization of semiconductor manufacturing, flat panel display (FPD) and solar-photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing equipment manufacturers and related equipment manufacturers. SEAJ had existed as an incorporated association from July in 1995. From April 1st in 2012, SEAJ has been authorized by Cabinet Office as a General Incorporated Association that related to the reform of the public-interest corporations system. Find more about SEAJ at http://www.seaj.or.jp/english/about/
Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI)
Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) is an international trade group representing manufacturers of semiconductor and flat panel display equipment and materials. Since 1970, SEMI has served the access, community, advocacy needs of the global semiconductor, display, MEMS and related industries with innovative member products and services, including: International Standards, Business and Technical Programs, Public Policy, Environmental Health & Safety, Industry Briefings, Statistics and Global SEMICON expositions. Find out more about SEMI at http://www.semi.org/
Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA)
The Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA) was founded in November 1996 to promote the cooperation and further development of Taiwan semiconductor industry.
TSIA has over 130 corporate and associate members, including companies engaged in semiconductor R & D, design, wafer manufacturing, packaging, testing, equipment and materials. TSIA aims to help the semiconductor industry in Taiwan remain on a competitive edge through various domestic and international activities, seminars, symposia, trainings, networking, etc. to strengthen business connection and broaden business scope for its member companies. TSIA also endeavors to build up constructive relationship between the local industry and corresponding international organizations, such as the World Semiconductor Council (WSC), International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS),
JEDEC Solid State Technology Association(JEDEC) to help enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan semiconductor industry as a whole.
Contact to issm issm_2016@semiconportal.com for further inquiries.