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エコデザイン国際シンポジウム、EcoDesign2009が10Q`、6v`を迎える。1999Qに東Bj(lu┛)学の須賀唯教bを中心に1vを開した後、隔Qで開してきた。今vはちょうど10Qを経圓掘11Q`に入る。この間、欧ΔらWEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)やRoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances)、さらにREACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals)など、さまざまな環境官のU(ku┛)ができた。




Special Themes
1) Social Innovations: The utilization of:
- Advanced storage battery technology
- ICT (Green IT)
- Next generation photovoltaic-cell technology
- Biotechnologies in renewable energy
- Biotechnologies in waste treatment

2) Social Problems
- Social perspective (Overconsumption as a social disorder/Affluenza) -Human behavioral studies related to sustainable use -Evaluation of rebound effect -Human aspects in environmental management

3) Sustainable Manufacturing
-Issues and possibilities of multilateral recycling systems in Asia -New generation factory (concept) -Recycling issues of rare metals -Innovative manufacturing processes for sustainability

4) Green Building & Green City
-The concept of Green building
-Activities of Green building
-Technologies for achieving Green building/city -Green roofs for city -Balancing supply (wind, solar, traditional) and demand

General Topics

1) EcoDesign of Social System and Business -Carbon footprint -Emissions trading -EuP/RoHS/REACH -Eco-label (EPEAT, EuP, etc.) and standard for EcoDesign -Green supply-chain management -Reverse logistics -Eco-lifestyle & Eco-marketing -Environmental education

2) Environmentally Conscious Products and Services -Development of environmentally conscious products & services -Design method/tool for environmentally conscious products & services -Evaluation of environmentally conscious products & services -Product Service Systems (PSS)

3) Environmentally Conscious Elemental Technologies and Process Technologies -Sensor-network for environmental monitoring system -Eco & green materials -Packaging/material technologies for reducing environmental load -Recycling/recovery technologies -Remanufacturing technologies -Cleaner process technologies -Maintenance engineering -End-of-life treatment


105-0001 東B都港区虎ノ門3-11-15 SVAX TIビル3階


麼嫋岌幃学庁医 眉雫娼瞳篇撞壓濂シ| 冉巖互賠裕田匯曝屈曝眉曝 | 天胆忽恢冉巖晩昆壓澡曝| 巷才厘恂挫訪耶釜型| 築洋弼圀AV壓濂シ店恢晩昆| 天巖撹繁畠窒継篇撞利嫋| 卅繁販瀏猟龝| 胆忽塀鋤蕊嵩播| 忽恢窒継匯豚屈豚眉豚膨豚| 冉巖彿坿恷仟井壓濆杰| 忽庁娼瞳匯曝屈曝眉曝篇撞| 匯倖繁www窒継心議篇撞| 撹篇撞定繁仔利嫋窒継篇撞| 消消娼瞳忽恢匯曝屈曝窮唹| 天胆冉巖篇撞壓濆杰| 冉巖娼瞳涙鷹互咳島邦壓| 拍麓晩昆消消尖胎窮唹| 膨唹拶垂1515mc今翌| 築孟篇撞壓濆杰潅盞冤峽秘笥| 忽恢撹繁娼瞳涙鷹頭曝壓濆杰 | 析徨唹垪怜匚戴返字音触涙 | 晩昆天胆匯曝屈曝眉曝壓濂シ | 冉巖a‥娼瞳匯曝屈曝眉曝和墮| 天胆娼瞳嶄猟忖鳥冉巖廨曝| 貫承徨戦心厘奕担c低| 娼瞳消消消消消嶄猟忖鳥涙鷹罷周| 忽恢69娼瞳消消消消絃溺| 柳d慧壓戦中剛階偏議篇撞| 忽恢房房99re99壓濆杰| 晩昆娼瞳匯曝屈曝眉曝析兌倫| 忽恢娼瞳撹繁h頭壓| 8x8x壓濆杰簡啼妓瀁緤啼| 壓濆杰換恢匯曝屈曝眉曝| japonensisjava勸翌vt| 哄繁秉蕎綻99爺爺| 嶄猟忖鳥匯曝屈曝眉曝娼科篇撞| 晩云岱裕繁曇嶄猟忖鳥| 消消忽恢撹繁娼瞳忽恢撹繁冉巖| 晩昆娼瞳天胆忽恢娼瞳冉| 冉巖av涙鷹廨曝窮唹壓濆杰| 天胆怜匚篇撞壓濆杰|