Accepted Author Guideline
*All accepted authors are required to submit all materials such as final paper, copyright form and presentation data online through your page.
To log in your page, clik the following URL with your ID & PW.
Online Submission and Information Update
Notification of Paper Acceptance* | Thursday, October 13, 2016 |
Confirmation due for participation in ISSM | Thursday, October 20, 2016 |
Speaker Registration Due (All speaker including interactive poster session required) |
Friday, October 28, 2016 |
Final paper for distribution (The data must be submitted in PDF format) | Friday, November 25, 2016 |
Copyright Form due | Friday, November 25, 2016 |
Final Presentation data due | Friday, December 2, 2016 |
ISSM 2016 | Monday, December 12- Tuesday December 13, 2016 |
The official language of ISSM 2016 is English.
The translation service will NOT be provided.
The total presentation length is 20 minutes including 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers. There will be author's interview period scheduled after the session of the presentation.
The presentation material of the oral session authors is limited to TEN (10) slides at maximum including one cover sheet.
ISSM "Interactive Poster Session" combines the regular poster session with 3-minute presentation to the entire audience. There will be "NO" question & answer period for the 3-minute talk. The presentation material of the interactive session authors is limited to FOUR (4) slides at maximum including one cover sheet.
The detail program schedule will be available by the beginning of November.
Outline of ISSM 2016 (tentative)
Day 1 | Morning | Opening/Keynote Session |
Afternoon | Oral session | |
Evening | ISSM reception | |
Day 2 | Morning | Tutorial Session |
Afternoon | Keynote Session | |
Summary presentation of the Poster session | ||
Evening | Interactive Poster session / ISSM Awards | |
All authors are requested to update the information on the title of presentation, speaker, and contact at the ISSM website with using your ID and password which were informed to you at your submission of abstract. In case that you miss you ID and password, contact ISSM 2016 Japan Office
5. SPEAKER REGISTRATION DUE - Friday, October 28, 2016
Both Oral and Poster authors are required to register at ISSM2016.
Kindly register from following URL;
-All speakers are required to register for 2-days.
-Input your paper number (e.g. FM-O-001)
- Regular Registration
- Students丂Registration
6. FINAL PAPER DUE - Friday, November 25, 2016
Final paper template (word)
*if the template's extension becomes "zip", please change the extension of the file to "docx".
Both oral speaker and interactive poster speaker are requested to submit the final paper.
Please plan to submit your final paper, formatted to IEEE specifications, by November 25.
Each paper must be no longer than four pages (A4 size) using "ISSM Final paper word template" and submitted in PDF format.
Please have your paper proofread by several people before you submit it.
Once your paper is proofread and all information is correct, please upload your paper in PDF format at the ISSM website with using your ID and password. In case the file is in excess of 2MB, it needs to be compressed into a ZIP file.
Author Biography - Please include a brief one-paragraph author biography at the end of the paper. This will allow the session chairs to properly introduce you, before you give your presentation.
7. COPY RIGHT FORM DUE - Friday, November 25, 2016
Copyright form (word)
Both oral speaker and interactive speaker are requested to submit
Click here to download the copyright form. Print out Copyright form, fill in a blank, and submit in PDF format through website. In case you have any problem on file conversion, fax to +81-3-5733-4973.
Please return by November 25.
8. POWERPOINT PRESENTATION DUE - Friday, December 2, 2016
presentation template (Powerpoint)
*if the template's extension becomes "zip", please change the extension of the file to "pptx".
Both oral speaker and interactive speaker are requested to submit
To ensure that all presentations are visually consistent, click here for PowerPoint template. Your presentation must be received by December 2nd. Once it has been proofread, please upload your presentation material at the ISSM website with using your password and ID same as submission of the paper.
Our online submission system for final paper and presentation materials accepts only for the electronic data files up to 2MB each. If your final paper or presentation material size is over 2MB, please compress your file into zip file. If your final paper or presentation material size is over 2MB, please compress your file into zip file.
All speakers are requested to use the template
For Oral speaker : maximum 10pages
For Interactive poster speaker : maximum 4pages
Click here for the detail for poster of interactive sessions.
For further questions, please contact ISSM Japan Office at Semiconductor Portal
10. Author's Interview for ORAL SESSION AUTHORS
ISSM2016 will introduce author's interview hour's right after the each session.
The poster board will be assigned to each speaker in the room of your presentation.
The speakers are requested to bring hard copy of your presentation and put up on the board after your presentation.