Special talk Session
December 10th, 2018
"Intelligent Manufacturing in Semi-conductor fabs"
Robert Chien

Deputy Director,
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
MBA, School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA
15.5 years with IBM as sales manager of system integration service in semiconductor and LCD industry
18.5 year with TSMC, one of the key initiators of APC and FDC in TSMC, currently supervising CIM automation team of Fab15A/B (300mm fab) of TSMC in Taichung Science Park
2007 Outstanding IT Manager Award winner, by Tainan Management Association
2 times winner of TSMC Innovation and Customer Partnership Award
3 US patent holder
Chairman, Smart Manufacturing Committee, SEMI Taiwan
Chairman, Information & Control Standard Committee, SEMI Taiwan
Chair, eMDC Organizing Committee, TSIA (Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association)
Chair, 300mm Standard Working Group, TSIA