AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 -Towards unraveling the complexity, share best practices in data science-

AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2025
November 25 and 26, 2025
Fukuoka Convention Center, Japan

AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023

Towards unraveling the complexity, share best practices in data science

Date: November 2nd, 2023
Venue: Hitotsubashi Hall, National Center of Sciences Building (Tokyo, JAPAN)

AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 Report

Thank you very much for your attendance at AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023!
We had more than 180 expertise from 4 regions.
Look forward to seeing you in 2025 in Japan.

AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 Report

AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 Best Paper
Prediction of Defect Rate Using Machine Learning in Assembly Process
Yumiko Miyaji
Sony Semiconductor Manufacturing
Hidenori Kakinuma and Yumiko Miyaji

AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 Student Award
Mixed-type Defect Pattern Classifications
Takumi Maeda
University of Tsukuba
Hidenori Kakinuma and Takumi Maeda


About AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023

AEC/APC (Advanced Equipment Control/Advanced Process Control) Symposium calls its annual conference in North America, Europe, and Asia. The suppliers of the device, the equipment, the material, the software, the sensor, and the metrology shall meet, and discuss the more intelligent and the higher productive manufacturing system in the conferences. AEC/APC is called the core of the scientific manufacturing technology. The technology has created the extensive progress of the productivity improvement and the yield improvement in the semiconductor manufacturing area. The technology discussed in the conferences has been applied and used in the process technology of LCD, PV and battery.
In Japan, the 9th conference is called in this year. The 9th AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 will be held under the theme of " Towards unraveling the complexity, share best practices in data science," and will be held in a hybrid, with online sessions as the main venue.
Since 2007, the conference has discussed the scientific manufacturing technology using the data which can monitor the manufacturing equipment and the process conditions.
The symposium can also be a very good chance for the professionals of the process control industry such as semiconductor to meet and discuss. The role of this symposium is very important, since people can share the information and the directions of the process control improvement, the equipment productivity improvement, and the material source reduction for the future.
We look forward to seeing you at AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023!

Sponsored by:
ISSM - International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing
Supported by:
SEAJ - Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan
Endorsement by:
JIEP - The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging
In conjunction with:
DPS (International Symposium on Dry Process) 2023


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