AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 -Towards unraveling the complexity, share best practices in data science-

AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 Accepted Author Guideline

Please read the following information carefully. If you have any questions or need assistance in submitting you presentation or poster, please contact:
AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 Secretariat
c/o Semiconductorportal, Inc.

- Generally, speakers are requested to give presentations at the Venue.
If there are difficulties with coming to the venue, please let the secretariat know at��jby September 15th, 2023.
- Your presentation will be recorded and planed to be available for the registrants about a month after the symposium.


Author/Speaker Information, Presentation Materials, and Publication Permission Form.
Online submission will available from your page.

*your paper ID is showed in above web page after login.
Please include your paper number into the cover page of your presentation.


1. Confirmation Due from Accepted Authors August 31, 2023
2. Speaker Registration Due September  7, 2023
3. Date for Distribution Submission Due
- Presentations data for distribution
- Publication Permission Form Submission
October 12, 2023
4. Presentation Data Submission Due October 23, 2023

1. Confirmation Due from Accepted authors :�@Thursday, August 31, 2023

  1. Speaker Participation Confirmation Due
    All speakers are required to confirm your participation as a speaker by the due date. Your participation at AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 will not be confirmed until you click the confirmation button in your page. In case that you need to communicate with us, please contact
  2. Agreement to post submitted abstracts on the website and include them in the proceedings
    Accepted abstract will be posted to the website and included in the proceedings.
    If you do NOT agree to post your submitted abstract to AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 Website and include into the proceedings, please answer from your page or contact to by August 31, 2023.
    If you do not answer / contact us by the due date, we will regard as you agree.

2. Speaker Registration: Thursday, September 7, 2023

All speakers are required to register for the AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023. Please register no later than Thursday, September 7, 2023. The registration fee for speakers is the same price as an early-bird registration.
If speaker registration will not be done by the due date, it will be regarded as you decline the acceptance. The payment should be settled with Credit card. Should you have further assistance, please contact to secretariat.

Speaker registration URL
The registration URL is available from your page.

3. Data for Distribution (Proceedings) and Publication Permission Form Due: Thursday, October 12th, 2023.

Publication Form

A. Data for Distribution (Proceedings)
This data will be distributed by web download style.
Create in Power Point file and covert in PDF file to submit.
B. Publication Permission Form
Due to the distribution proceedings included submitted abstracts, final presentations from speakers, all speakers are required to complete and submit the Publication Permission Form.
Please submit it same timing as data of distribution submission.
If you think that you will have a problem with the submission deadline, please contact us immediately.
NOTE: The proceedings will be distributed to participants one week prior to the symposium.

4. Presentation Slides Submission Due: Monday, October 23, 2023.

Please submit your presentation slides in PowerPoint format no later than Monday, October 23, 2023.
Please refrain to make further update or change your presentation since AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 will provide simultaneous interpretation service. It is very important for interpreters to hold exactly same hardcopy materials of your presentation. Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated.

Formatting Guideline and Online Submission Process

A. Formatting Guideline

AEC/APC will distribute the proceedings by online download style approximately a week before the symposium.
Please keep into your mind ensuring the legibility from the back of the room and make good contrast between background and text.
Please remove confidential markings from any template that you use.

Font size
for titles: 44~48, for text: 28~32
20 pages (included a cover)
Items should be included into the cover page
Presentation title
Presenter's detail information (Name, Affiliation, Title, e-mail address)
Abstract area and ID (e.g. FD-O-999)
Submission Format
PDF and Power Point

B. Data Online Submission Process

Final presentations must be submitted using the online submission process.
Our online submission system accepts only 5MB. If your presentation size is over 5MB, please compress it into zip file.
If you do not receive an email acknowledgement after submitting your presentation, please contact to
If not received by due date, your presentation will not include in the symposium proceedings and you will be removed from the agenda. Please contact immediately if you think that you will have a problem with the submission deadline.

Presentation Submission
The online submission is available from your page.

C. Special Remarks

All information presented at this symposium will be regarded as non-confidential. Presentations may not contain Confidential or proprietary information. No material leveled confidential or proprietary will be presented or included in the proceedings.

Information for Speakers

Official Language
The official language of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023 is English.
Simultaneous interpretation service between English and Japanese will be provided during the Tutorial session and the Technical Session.
There will be about a 15-minute meeting with the interpreter on the day. Please make sure you attend.
Assigned speaking time
You will be given 20 minutes for your presentation. (15 minutes=presentation, 5 minutes=questions and answers)
Author's interview
Author's interview is scheduled.
A printout of the presentation will be posted on the board and you will be invited to ask questions with the participants in front of it.
Each presenter is requested to bring a printout of his/her presentation and submit it to the reception desk. (Both color and black and white presentations are acceptable).
Proceedings (web download)
Submitted abstract and Presentation (PowerPoint) which submitted before October 12, 2023 will be included proceedings for distribution to the audience.
(Web Download)
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