EmergingTech from Japan

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About Us

Semiconportal - A Proactive Collaborative Hub for the Semiconductor Industry

Semiconductor Portal Inc. operates Semiconportal, an information hub for the complex Japanese microelectronics industry, and provides consulting services focused on the industry. Our mission is to enhance collaboration among the diverse companies involved with semiconductors and microelectronics, from device design and manufacturing through to marketing and sales of end products.

One-Stop Portal Site for Global Semi

Japanese-language website Since 2001, Semiconportal has been a corporate subscription-based Japanese-language website service targeting executives, engineers, and other semiconductor-industry professionals. We provide information and analysis on changes in the global semiconductor market, semiconductor-related business practices, leading-edge technologies, and development roadmaps. The site currently serves over 9,000 members in 90 different companies. Our long history and wide subscription base has made us one of the most trusted and experienced information hubs for the Japanese electronics industry.

EmergingTech from Japan

In 2008 Semiconportal, leveraging its experience and expertise, launched EmergingTech from Japan, an English-language website focused on providing up-to-date, in-depth information on the Japanese semiconductor and electronics industries. While a wealth of information is available on these industries in Japanese, the lack of readily available information in English has often been an obstacle for foreign companies looking to partner with Japanese counterparts. Emerging Tech from Japan dissolves this barrier by reporting on developments in the ever-changing Japanese microelectronics industry.

Member companies of Semiconportal

as of May 30, 2010

Member companies of Semiconportal

Membership profile by industry and job function Membership profile by industry and job function

Global Marketing Service of Semiconportal Capitalizing on the breadth and depth of its network, Semiconportal provides global marketing support geared to the needs of the semiconductor and related electronics fields.

Global Marketing Service of Semiconportal

Our marketing services include:

  1. Marketing Services -Sales/marketing for clients
    A local presence underpinned by a powerful human network is a key to success. Semiconportal offers clients marketing services that increase their visibility in Japan.
    1. Constant relationship with current customers
    2. Recruiting more customers
    3. Closer relationships with government/associations/industries
    4. Public relations
    5. Greater presence in Japan through events, publications, and websites
    6. Active information gathering in Japan attuned to client needs
    7. Effective usage of the Web
  2. Marketing Services -PR-
    1. Public Relations
      1. PR planning
      2. Press release production (original or translation into Japanese)
      3. Press release distribution to Japanese media
      4. Relationship with Japanese media
      5. Planning and managing symposia
  3. Marketing Services -Research-
    1. Custom research
    2. Market potential in Japan
    3. Analysis of competitors
    4. Partners' potential in Japan

Clients Worldwide

SemiconPortal is a Gateway for Global Partnering
SemiconPortal is a Gateway for Global Partnering
Semiconportal Creates Direct Channels to Companies in the Japanese Microelectronics Value Chain

Semiconductor Portal, Inc.
New address from August 19, 2013:
4F, Masonic 39MT Bldg., 2-4-5 Azabudai
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041 Japan
Tel: +81-3-5733-4971
Fax: +81-3-5733-4973

E-mail: marketing-e@semiconportal.com

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