EmergingTech from Japan

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Introducing SemiconPortal - EmergingTech from Japan

EmergingTech from Japan

A one-stop portal to the Japanese IT and microelectronics industry

SemiconPortal - EmergingTech from Japan is a website providing timely and in-depth information about Japan's semiconductor and electronics industry in English. While a wealth of fascinating information is available in Japanese, it is not necessarily available in other languages. SemiconPortal-EmergingTech from Japan dissolves the language barrier by offering this information in English, the common language of business.

Semiconductor Portal Inc. (SPI) has been providing SemiconPortal (www.589173.com), a corporate subscription-based Japanese-language website service targeting executives, engineers, and other decision-makers in Japan's semiconductor and related industries since 2001. It currently serves an audience of 8,000 in 80 subscribing companies. On November 28, 2008, SPI launched an English website service - SemiconPortal – Emerging Tech from Japan - that provides the same in-depth information and analysis to industry professionals worldwide.

SemiconPortal - EmergingTech from Japan provides:
News Center includes industry news, special features, top interviews and government news. It consists of News gathered by the SemiconPortal editorial team, articles by SemiconPortal's partner publishers, and reports contributed by industry insiders. The News Center also includes Flash News, brief reports selected by SemiconPortal editors. Readers can grasp what's happening in Japan's semiconductor and electronics industry.
New Products focuses on unique new products announced in Japan.
Industry Info. provides statistics and other data so readers can grasp the reality of Japan's semiconductor and electronics industries at a glance.
Directory tabulates companies, industry associations, institutes, universities and governmental organizations
Events lists upcoming events in Japan
Glossary lists keywords and proper nouns concerning Japan's microelectronics industry
Press releases lists press releases selected from the English-language websites of major companies in the electronics industry and related industries in Japan.

SemiconPortal (Japanese site)

SemiconPortal (Japanese site)

SemiconPortal in Japanese is SPI's original site launched in 2001 for Japanese engineers and executives. As EmergingTech is a sister site of the original SemiconPortal, the two sites share a common design to ensure instant recognition. Despite the shared look and feel, the sites' editorial policies differ to serve the needs of their respective Japanese and international target audiences.


EmergingTech's mission is to serve as a one-stop information source on Japan's semiconductor and electronics industry and as a facilitator of business between companies worldwide and their counterparts in Japan.

The Japanese microelectronics industry takes pride in its excellent and unique technology. Increasingly, the industry is deploying its prowess in electronics to invent, develop and champion technologies whose excellent environmental performance is attuned to the needs of the sustainable, affluent world to which we all aspire. However, partly because of the language barrier, information on the industry tends not to be communicated clearly to the world. EmergingTech, a unique portal site for industry professionals worldwide, keeps you abreast of what's new and what's happening in microelectronics in Japan. Furthermore, EmergingTech helps you feel at home in Japan's electronics business community by explaining its terminology and conventions. I hope these characteristics of EmergingTech will encourage more business between companies throughout the world and their counterparts in Japan.

Editor-in-chief Yoshiko Hara
Yoshiko Hara

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Premium banner 3000/M 2400/M 1800/M 550x100
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Text add 3000/M 2400/M 1800/M 3lines of 120 characters

SemiconPortal offers various advertising tools to position your brand in Japan while also addressing an audience of professionals keen to do business with their counterparts in the Japanese microelectronics industry. These advertising tools are for the EmergingTech site, the SemiconPortal (Japanese) site or a combination of the two sites. If you need help, SemiconPortal is ready to provide translation and production services to create your Japanese advertising.

Please contact us for more information.
Contact: et-sales@semiconportal.com
Tel: +81-3-3560-3565
Fax: +81-3-3560-3566
Semiconductor Portal, Inc

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