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August book-to-bill ratio stays below 1
The book-to-bill ratio of Japan-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment was 0.97 in August, staying below 1, according to the book-to-bill ratio report issued by the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ).
A book-to-bill ratio of less than 1 is usually interpreted as a signal that the market is shrinking since booking is below billing.
Booking on a three-month moving average in August was 95.8 billion yen (US$879 million*), having declined 2.6 billion yen or 2.7% from the previous month. Billing in August was 98.4 billion yen, down 5.9 billion yen or 5.7% from July.
* Original figures are in Japanese yen. The exchange rate is roughly US$1=109 yen.
Related site:
Book-to-Bill Ratio (Express Report) (English in page 2)
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