EmergingTech from Japan

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Murata cheerleader robots to debut at CEATEC


Murata Cheerleaders, a team of small robots created by Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. using sensing, communication and group control technologies, will debut at CEATEC next week in Makuhari on Tokyo Bay, performing synchronized dancing without colliding. Cute!

Murata cheerleader robots to debut at CEATEC

Murata has been publicizing the capabilities of its products—gyros, sensors, communication devices, etc.—in robots. It previously announced the bicycle-riding Murata Boy and the unicycle-riding Murata Girl, showcasing them at events like CEATEC to captivate visitors.

Each Murata Cheerleader consists of a cheerleader-shaped body and a ball. The cheerleader balances on the ball, controlling the ball's movement with three tire-like wheels beneath her skirt. Murata used a ball whose surface was coated to give a good grip for the demonstration, but even an ordinary ball can be used, said a Murata spokesperson emphasizing the robot's impressive control technique..

The movement of the team of 10 robots is underpinned by three principal technologies: inverted-pendulum control using gyro sensors, real-time position measurement using four infrared sensors and five ultrasonic microphones, and group control technology.

For the group control technology, Murata collaborated with researchers from Kyoto University's Matsuno Lab. The 10 robots move in a synchronized, choreographed manner in and out of various formations in a 4mx4m space. Murata expects the technology will be useful for realizing safer and more efficient vehicles and transportation systems.

Press release:
Murata's Robot Cheerleaders Achieve Highly Synchronized Dancing—Showcasing advanced technologies for flawless stability and synchronization —

Related site:

Related articles:
Week in Review: CEATEC at the crossroads (Oct. 13, 2009)
Murata shows off upgraded robot girl (Sept. 28, 2009)

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