EmergingTech from Japan

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Toshiba starts 15nm fabrication at Fab 5


Toshiba Corp. and partner SanDisk Corp. have opened the second phase of Fab 5, which began fabricating 15nm NAND memories this month, and started construction on schedule of the new Fab 2 at Yokkaichi Operations, Toshiba's NAND Flash memory plant in Mie prefecture, Japan.

Fab 5 at Yokkaichi Operations

Toshiba started construction of the new Fab 2 building, a 2-story, five floor building with a 27,300m2 footprint, on a site previously occupied by the former Fab 2, which was demolished to make way for the new facility. The new fab will accommodate the additional processes required for 3D NAND memories. According to the schedule, the first phase of the new Fab 2 will be completed next summer and the entire project should be finished in the first half of 2016. Toshiba and SanDisk will jointly install equipment in readiness for fabrication responding to market demand.

Press release:
Toshiba and SanDisk Celebrate the Opening of the Second Phase of Fab 5 and Start Construction of the New Fab 2 Semiconductor Fabrication Facility at Yokkaichi, Japan

Related articles:
Toshiba building 3D NAND fab with 500 billion yen investment (May 28, 2014)
Toshiba and SanDisk to transform Yokkaichi Fab 2 into 3D NAND fab (May 14, 2014)
Toshiba 3D NAND will be without peer: Toshiba president (Aug. 8, 2013)
Toshiba earmarking 30 billion yen for NAND scaling (July 22, 2013)
Toshiba planning sharp increase in capital investment for 1Ynm NAND (June 7, 2013)

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